Oj, prelěpa Zemĺo

From Atlas
Ой, прэлѣпа Зэмљо
Oh, beautiful Land
Oj, prelěpa Zemĺo

National anthem of  Kadolha
LyricsMiroslav Veĺković, 1714
MusicSlobodan Kovačević, 1711
Adopted1711 (First Kadolhan Republic)
Preceded byKadolha "Tvoja ĺepota obasjava sve"

"Oj, prelěpa Zemĺo" (Kadolhan Cyrillic: Ой, прэлѣпа Зэмљо; [oj preljepa zemʎo]; Oh, beautiful Land) is the name of the official national anthem of Kadolha.

Official lyrics[edit]

Kadolhan Cyrillic Kadolhan Latin Translation

Ой, прэлѣпа зэмљо наших
Бака и дєдова!
Жив йош увѣк є твой єзик,
Застава вийори.

Живи, живи дух кадољски,
Бит ће жив вѣков'ма
Док за народ срцэ биє
Њихових синова,
Док зовэмо отаџбину
Овэ свэтэ Зэмљэ!

Нэк сэ сада и над нама
Буром свэ разнэсэ.
Стѣна пуца, дуб сэ лама,
Зэмља нэк сэ трэсэ!

Ми стойимо постояно
К'о вэлика брда.
Прѣтимо дубини пакла,
Чак и ватри грома.
Проклэт био издайица
Своє домовинэ!

Oj, prelěpa Zemĺo naših
Baka i djedova!
Živ još uvěk je tvoj jezik,
Zastava vijori.

Živi, živi duh kadoĺski,
Bit će živ věkov'ma
Dok za narod srce bije
Ńihovih sinova.
Dok zovemo otadžbinu
Ove svete Zemĺe!

Nek se sada i nad nama
Burom sve raznese.
Stěna puca, dub se lama,
Zemĺa nek se trese!

Mi stojimo postojano
K'o velika brda.
Prětimo dubini pakla,
Čak i vatri groma.
Proklet bio izdajica
Svoje domovine!

Oh, beautiful Land of our
Grandmothers and grandfathers!
Your language is still alive,
Your flag flutters.

There lives, there lives the Kadolhan spirit,
It will live through the ages
While for the nation beats the heart
of their sons.
While we call our fatherland
These sacred Lands!

Let now everything above us
be blown away by the wind.
The stone cracks, the oak breaks,
Let the earth quake!

We stand firm
like the big hills.
We threaten the abyss of Hell
And even the fire of thunder.
May he be damned, the traitor
of his homeland!